August 27, 2008

August 10, 2008

WoW Steins - Get me one-a dese!

Blizzard has released more game related merchandise, this time a WoW-themed beer stein.

They are uber-cool. The main cylinder of the stein shows various characters, and the handle is an axe. The steins come in Alliance and Horde versions.

So next time you're in a long Kara raid, fill your WoW stein with the beverage of your choice and make it a bit more interesting!

August 7, 2008

WoW running at 12600 x 3150

Techies, set druel rate at maximum.

This chap installs PC rigs for a living, according to the Kotaku article, and decided to test out a new setup of twenty-seven 67" monitors by playing WoW and Bioshock.

See it here.

August 3, 2008

Horde raids Ironforge!

In order to celebrate Grumps dinging level 70, we decided to have a bit of a celebration in Stormwind. Whilst acquiring the grog from Stormwind, there were a few people on trade talking about Ironforge being raided. Although skeptical, I decided to head off there anyways. Upon arrival, I was quite shocked to find several horde corpses in front of the auction house! Is it true if one faction wipes the opposing faction's city, everyone has to start their characters again? Or is this a crazy rumour?

August 1, 2008

Critology Addon Review

I had been thinking for a while about looking for an addon to keep track of my crits and average damage for a while, but hadn't made the time to do it, until I head about Critology on The Instance (Episode #111). It sounded like just what I wanted, so I put it on straight away.

It's a tiny little addon, packed with some great features. Also, it uses less than 150Kb of memory to run!

You can choose to record loads of info, which you can also add to the tooltip for that spell/attack, such as:
- Average Crit
- Average Hit
- Crit Chance
- Crits
- Hits
- Mob Name
- Date & Time

Põckëtz pwning Bobadin in a duel
You can notify your party or group each time you record a new crit, and the notification options are also customisable - allowing you to be notified on new hits &/or crits, as well as toggling the graphical notification of new damage/heal record breakers.

You can even set it to record a 'keepsake' of your crits in the form of a screenshot!

Options are changed through the new Interface > Addons tab in-game.

Working for both damage and heals (although it seems to get confused by potions), this is a great way to keep a track on your progress.

Download it now from WoW Interface.