August 3, 2008

Horde raids Ironforge!

In order to celebrate Grumps dinging level 70, we decided to have a bit of a celebration in Stormwind. Whilst acquiring the grog from Stormwind, there were a few people on trade talking about Ironforge being raided. Although skeptical, I decided to head off there anyways. Upon arrival, I was quite shocked to find several horde corpses in front of the auction house! Is it true if one faction wipes the opposing faction's city, everyone has to start their characters again? Or is this a crazy rumour?


Helmaree said...

That would SUCK! lol

Anonymous said...


And I'll have my screenshots up tonight :)

Anonymous said...

Lol most farfetched rumour ever. Would be awesome if it were true though.
samownall - Wow Blogger

Anonymous said...

Its gota be a rumor main city's are wiped all the time on the established PvP servers they would have to beef up the guards something amazing for it to work Haala style raids over thunderbluff anyone