/boBrocy and I have been playing our newer alts lately, and my Druid is now lvl 18, w00t! She's got her Cure Poisons, and now she has her aquatic-form quest to do, so I'll be working on that over the weekend. She has the whole
Black Defias Armor set, and will be able to put the last piece on once she dings. Still lacking some enchants though, lol. Not the most fantastic set for a Druid, but it seems to do the trick. Because I run with a Warrior, I'm forever playing through my different roles: DPS, Tanking & Heals.
I'd like to get her to 19 and get a load of Warsong Gulch in before I lvl her any further. Once she gets to 19, I'd like to lvl my Paladin up to 19 aswell (currently 14).
Helmaree's progression is on the backburner for the moment, as is Chadia's 59 twinking program.
As some of you know, i've recently installed
X-Perl UnitFrames. I'm still not sure if I like it yet. While it's highly configurable, and I can see how it is extremely useful, especially for Raid organisation, but for regular gaming, I figure there must be a more straight-forward option available. Any ideas?
I downloaded
iTunes recently too; makes it a whole load easier to subscribe to podcasts :D There's a few really good ones out there, my two faves being
The Instance and while not quite the same quality, I find the WoW Addons show realy informative. Oh yeah, and iTunes is free to download, and you can browse everything for free. Podcasts are free!!!