June 30, 2008

I got my boots!

I logged Helm on this morning to do the Midsummer dailys, and hit 201 Burning Blossoms! I finally, finally have my Sandals of Summer! Unfortunately, with only 4 days of the Festival left, I won't be able to collect 99 more blossoms in time to get the Mantle of the Fire Festival :(
Here I am showing off my Midsummer goodies in IF.

Helmaree showing off! In other news Bellor (my warlock) started her tour of Azeroth to collect her own Burning Blossoms and some very sweet xp! She went from lvl 29 to lvl 31, so there's hope for her yet!
I'm hoping to get her to lvl 35 (with the help of some more bonfire visits) so that she can train Artisan Enchanting and Tailoring. She's been stuck at 225 for what seems to be forever! Here's a screenie of Bellor visiting the bonfire in Undercity.

Bellor at the Undercity bonfire

June 29, 2008

1st post from mizz

So was anyone going to tell me how annoying the Fire Festival torch throwing and catching was going to be? I'm sure I spent a good 40mins just trying to complete the quests.
anyways I did it! and now i have my juggling torches very cool!...

In other news I got my leather working up to 365 and now I'm stuck! on top of that I'm only 10points off being able to make my own epic's! thats quite depressing ain't it.

Well heres a pic of Mizzdevious at lvl 65. Enjoy...

Ciao for now xx
Leah (Mizzdevious)

June 28, 2008

Invasion Complete!

Today I captured the final 2 flames from Undercity and Silvermoon City, and recieved my Crown of the Fire Festival!

Also, I found a great guide to the Midsummer Fire Festival. It has every piece of information you might want about the Festival and then some!

June 27, 2008

CENTURION Invades Horde Capitals

Wednesday evening saw Brocy, Drawind and myself journey through Mulgore and scale the heights of Thunder Bluff to steal their flame away! And we succeeded! But forgot to take a screen shot. :(

Yesterday, Brocy and myself laid siege to Orgrimmar, and came away with their flame amid the thwarted attempts of a couple of would-be Horde assassins!

Fear us Horde scum! For we are determined and sneaky! Now, to journey to Silvermoon City and Undercity to complete our work...

- Helmaree

June 25, 2008

Just Showing Off

Here are a couple screenies of my new stuff from the Midsummer Fire Festival. I'm still doing the dailys, hoping to rack up another 200 burning blossoms before the end of the week for the shoes!

June 23, 2008

I've Been Everywhere, Man!

Well, I spent most of yesterday touring all of Azeroth and Outland in search of Burning Blossoms! Below is a slideshow of just some of the places I visited.

In total, I visited 60 different bonfires - some Horde and some Alliance - to collect blossoms. And what did I choose?

The Brazier of Dancing Flames and Vestment of Summer!

I'm going back on later to pick up the last few bonfires, do the Midsummer dailys, and get me those Dancing Shoes!

June 21, 2008

Burning Love

The Midsummer Fire Festival has to be my favorite in-game event of the whole year!

And this year they've re-vamped it, with new quests (including dailys!) , a new boss challenge for lvl 70 players, and some new vendor rewards!

So, I'll be spending the next week trying to rack up 350 Burning Blossoms to buy a Brazier of Dancing Flames :O

June 15, 2008

Why you don't PuG KZ

Brocy logged on early today and saw someone pugging for Kara: "LF3M DPS". W00t! He's in. One of the other DPS was already saved "can I only run Kara once a week?", so I got my butt in there too (so much for lvling that alt ;) ).

We downed, Attumen, Maiden, Opera (Little Red Hood - so cute!), Curator, Shade & Medivh, and attempted a few others with several wipes. The group had a hard time. Was going fine to start with, but you know how it goes... One wipe and everyone gets nervous, so people start to leave, who get replaced, and so it goes.

Anyway, I got some sexy boots out of it: [Boots of Foretelling]

So... what about pugging KZ?

Repairs: 50 Gold
Elixirs & Potions: 60 Gold
Running Karazhan with a group of strangers for 9 hours: Priceless!

BG Fun

I thought I'd log my Pally (Llewellyn, 14) on yesterday for some prof levelling and a bit of BG. so I finally get her into WSG, look around me, and see a lvl 12 Priest, a few lvl 19 twinks, including a couple Rogues and a Hunter, and some other assorted-lvl players. Within a few seconds I get a tell from the twink Hunter: "leave". WTF?! So of course I pst back: "bite me".

The Battle has Begun. The gates open. I charge outside, and wonder where my comrades are. So I prance accross the divide, looking for something to kill. Luckily, the whole opposing team were valiantly fighting at the bottom of their tunnel, so I join in, throw a couple of heals, and take them down. Uh-oh, the Lock and Hunter rezzed, and they're pissed = me dead.

Anyway, long story short, I spent half the battle on offence, and half on defense. Last flag goes in, it's a win to us - Yay! Check the standings... Oh look! The three twinks take out 1, 2 and 3, and little old me comes fourth in kills with 18, 5 deaths - only two less kills than the smart-arse hunter that whispered me at the start! Damn. I didn't take a screenshot! Oh well, there's always next time ;)

June 13, 2008

Druid Tales

/boBrocy and I have been playing our newer alts lately, and my Druid is now lvl 18, w00t! She's got her Cure Poisons, and now she has her aquatic-form quest to do, so I'll be working on that over the weekend. She has the whole Black Defias Armor set, and will be able to put the last piece on once she dings. Still lacking some enchants though, lol. Not the most fantastic set for a Druid, but it seems to do the trick. Because I run with a Warrior, I'm forever playing through my different roles: DPS, Tanking & Heals.

I'd like to get her to 19 and get a load of Warsong Gulch in before I lvl her any further. Once she gets to 19, I'd like to lvl my Paladin up to 19 aswell (currently 14).

Helmaree's progression is on the backburner for the moment, as is Chadia's 59 twinking program.

As some of you know, i've recently installed X-Perl UnitFrames. I'm still not sure if I like it yet. While it's highly configurable, and I can see how it is extremely useful, especially for Raid organisation, but for regular gaming, I figure there must be a more straight-forward option available. Any ideas?

I downloaded iTunes recently too; makes it a whole load easier to subscribe to podcasts :D There's a few really good ones out there, my two faves being The Instance and while not quite the same quality, I find the WoW Addons show realy informative. Oh yeah, and iTunes is free to download, and you can browse everything for free. Podcasts are free!!!


June 11, 2008

This made my day!

I came across this video whilst browsing the content on a Facebook group called 'I am a Girl and I play WoW'. It's just awesome!

June 10, 2008


Well, I finally managed to log on for a little while this evening before my nightly kick-off happened. Anyway, this post is my short(ish) attempt to shed some light as to why I haven't been on much of late.

As you all know, I've spent a lot of time playing in the last 12 months, with the last 6 months or so being devoted to running and improving the guild. As a result, I have neglected many of my duties at home, and gotten into some pretty bad habits.

In an attempt to set things straight again before things get bad, both Brocy and I have set Parental Controls on our accounts so we can only play for 1 hour on weeknights, and 5 hours each day on the weekend. This is a trial to see how we go, and seems to be working well. While the amount of time that we play will probably stay the same for now, we may change the days to suit peak playtimes a bit better.

Of course, spending less time in-game means that I can't be as involved in organising runs etc. as I would like to be. I hope that everyone is happy with this, as the Guild is still a great social outlet for us all. If you feel you need to move on to bigger and better things, please feel free, but don't forget us little people!!

Anyway, enough from me for now...


June 9, 2008

Guild Blogging

What better way for a Guild to share their experiences with each other and the rest of the Internet community than to blog about it?!

If you have a Google account, just give me a yell and I will add you as an author. This means you can publish in the blog whenever you like, about any aspect of the game you want.

So... What are you waiting for?!