June 15, 2008

Why you don't PuG KZ

Brocy logged on early today and saw someone pugging for Kara: "LF3M DPS". W00t! He's in. One of the other DPS was already saved "can I only run Kara once a week?", so I got my butt in there too (so much for lvling that alt ;) ).

We downed, Attumen, Maiden, Opera (Little Red Hood - so cute!), Curator, Shade & Medivh, and attempted a few others with several wipes. The group had a hard time. Was going fine to start with, but you know how it goes... One wipe and everyone gets nervous, so people start to leave, who get replaced, and so it goes.

Anyway, I got some sexy boots out of it: [Boots of Foretelling]

So... what about pugging KZ?

Repairs: 50 Gold
Elixirs & Potions: 60 Gold
Running Karazhan with a group of strangers for 9 hours: Priceless!

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