July 3, 2008

The End Draws Near

Tomorrow is the last day of the Midsummer Fire Festival - your last chance to purchase rewards with your Burning Blossoms, honor the flame of your favorite city, and desecrate the Horde bonfires one last time!

The day will be concluded with a spectacular display by the Goblins of Undermine, where the sky itself will be set alight! So get yourself dressed up in all your Festival gear, take up a mug, and raise a toast to the season as the sky above explodes into a wondrous display of multicolored fireworks!

I finally got a Captured Flame today, after making a final trek to some more bonfires, finishing my journey at Feathermoon Stronghold in Feralas.

And so one of my favorite in-game events for the year draws to a close. The next Annual event will be the Harvest Festival, to be held from Sept 8 to 13. My next favorite event will follow closely behind, beginning on Sept 20 and running until Oct 4. So get your liver ready for BREWFEST!!

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