July 22, 2008

Exploring Northrend

With the opening of the Wowhead: Wrath of the Lich King site last week, gamers now have access to a huge amount of information about what we will see in the upcoming Expansion!

I thought I'd start introducing us to the new zones in Northrend one by one, giving a little info on the types of mobs, quests and scenery you'll encounter when you first visit Northrend, starting with the first zone you will encounter, and then moving through each zone by level rating.

First, I'd like to show you the new areas in Azeroth which will be added in WotLK. In the Eastern Kingdoms, we will gain a lvl 55 - 58 Contested area called Ebon Hold. This will be the Death Knight class starting zone. From the looks of the map, Tyr's Hand in the Eastern Plaguelands will be the area where this zone begins.

As some of you may have noticed, construction has started in Stormwind between The Park and Cathedral Square for the road to Stormwind Harbor. From here, we will be able to travel to Northrend. There is also talk that the boat from Auberdine will bypass Menethil Harbor and come to SW instead.

Upon reaching Northrend - possibly into a harbor at Valiance Keep - players lvl 68 to 72 will have two areas to choose from to begin questing. These are Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord.

To quote from the WoW: WotLK website: "The sprawling Borean Tundra lies at the far southwestern tip of Northrend, the icy continent also known as the roof of the world. In recent months the Horde has established a dominant presence here as the young and daringly aggressive Garrosh Hellscream has founded the rugged orc fortress of Warsong Hold."

New and frightening beasts roam this zone, as well as some familiar foe. Expect to encounter those slimy Naga, fearful Gorlocs and Unliving Swine!

"The Howling Fjord sits high above the Great Sea on the southeastern tip of Northrend. It is said that in ancient times the vrykul, a race of half-giant warriors, inhabited the land, founding a vast and prosperous civilization. Then one day, without warning or explanation, the vrykul vanished, leaving behind only deserted villages and abandoned temples.

Now the Alliance and Horde have come to confront the malefic Lich King and put an end to the Scourge. The Alliance has established a staging area in the settlement of Valgarde, but their presence seems to have sparked off an unforeseen event: the return of the vrykul. These formidable warriors have begun attacking Horde and Alliance settlements, and many of the vrykul are pouring out of the fortress of Utgarde Keep, not far from Valgarde."

Here in Howling Fjord, you will battle the likes of Dragonflayers, Deathless Watchers, Fearless Horrors and other assorted Scourge, all the while avoiding the wandering Storm Giants' wrath!

Well, I hope that's been enough to whet your appetite - I'll bring you more screenshots, bestiary information, quests and zone info as I read my way through it all!

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