July 14, 2008


Yes! It's finally happened! UK site Play.com will release the first talking plush Murloc toy at the end of September!

Unfortunately, they don't deliver all of their products outside of the UK - including, so it seems, the Murloc toy :(

So, looks like - as with all cool merchandise - we'll have to wait and pay stupid prices for it. Sigh.

I can't take all the credit for this find - in fact I didn't have a clue about it until I listened to The Instance #113 this morning. GJ guys ;)

In other news, after many changes to be made to the talent tree in the upcoming WotLK were discussed openly with participants of the Worldwide Invitational, our friends at wowhead finally released an updated Talent Calculator! While it's not yet complete, you can still take a gander at the changes and additions for most classes. I had a look, and I must say I am not impressed as yet.

Edit (22/07/08): Grumps recently let us know that the Talent Calculator is now available on the WoW website! "Check out the WotLK Talent Trees out on the WoW website now! Find them here.
Find the death knight talent tree on that page, or directly here."

And finally, before this starts to look too much like every other WoW blog on the internet this week, Bellor has capped out her Enchanting! It cost me a packet in Illusion Dust, but she finally got there!


Anonymous said...

oooo I want one. they would be so cute lol!

Helmaree said...

I know! Would definitely freak my dogs out, lol!

Anna said...

yes, we'll have to wait... unless someone happens to have a friend living in the UK who could buy and send...

I would love one - pretty sure my brother would too :D